Reverse a string: problem definition
Write a function that takes a string and reverses its letters in place.
As many other problems involving strings, reversing a string has a simple brute-force solution that use O(n) space. In this case, it’s enough to iterate the input string backwards inserting each character into a new string that is returned at the end of the function. To reverse a string in place, it’s necessary to use two pointers to find pairs of characters to swap: the first pointer starts from the beginning of the string and it’s increased at each step, while the second pointer starts from the last character of the string and it’s decreased at each step. The implementation is straightforward:
void reverse(string& str)
if (str.empty()) return;
size_t i = 0, j = str.size()-1;
while (i < j) swap(str[i++], str[j--]);
There are a couple of things that it’s worth to observe. The first is that the while cycle can be easily replaced by a for loop allowing to compute the j pointer directly from i, rather than having to actually iterate over it separately.
size_t strSize = str.size();
for(size_t i = 0; i < strSize; ++i) swap(str[i], str[strSize-i-1]);
The second is that in some languages like Python or Java, the strings are immutable and it’s necessary to make special assumption to solve this problem. For example in Python it’s necessary to assume that the string has been already converted to a list of characters.
def reverse(listOfChars):
i = 0
j = len(listOfChars)-1;
while i < j :
listOfChars[i], listOfChars[j] = listOfChars[j], listOfChars[i]
i = i+1
j = j-1
Reverse words in a string: problem definition
Write a function that takes a string and reverses the order of its words in place, assuming that all words are separated by one space.
Also in this case there is simple solution using O(n) time and O(n) additional space:
- allocate a new result string with the same size of the input one to store in it the string with reversed words;
- use two pointers to find the first and last character of each word;
- copy each word in the reversed position in the result string.
string reverseWords(const string& message)
if (message.empty()) return;
size_t strSize = message.size();
string result(strSize, ' ');
// message[i..j] forms a word
size_t i = 0, j = message.find_first_of(' ', i);
while (j != string::npos) {
for (size_t k = i; k < j; ++k) {
// result[strSize-j] is the start of the word in the reversed string
result[strSize - j + k - i] = message[k];
i = j+1;
j = message.find_first_of(' ', i);
//the start of the word in the reversed string is 0
for (size_t k = i; k < strSize; ++k) result[k - i] = message[k];
return result;
An alternative would be to extract each word as substring, push it on a stack and then pop back all the substring writing them in the result string. Also in this case the space complexity would be O(n) because of the stack.
The key observation to improve the space complexity is that the reversed string can be obtained reversing the whole input message and then reversing each individual word. Since a string can be reversed in place with O(1) auxiliary space, the overall algorithm requires constant space. The time complexity is linear because the algorithm only perform two iterations on the original string.
void reverseString(string& message, size_t start, size_t end){
while (start < end) swap(message[start++], message[end--]);
void reverseWords(string& message)
if (message.empty()) return;
reverseString(message, 0, message.size()-1);
// message[i..j] forms a word
size_t i = 0, j = message.find_first_of(' ', i);
while (j != string::npos) {
reverseString(message, i, j-1);
i = j+1;
j = message.find_first_of(' ', i);
reverseString(message, i, message.size()-1);
The code with all the test cases is available on my Github repository.