The problem of left-rotate an N-elements array A by P positions is an example on how a simple problem can have many different solutions. This post summarises some possible algorithms to solve this problem, sorting them in increasing order of space and time efficiency.
Base approach
A simple approach is to copy the first P element of A to a temporary array, move the remaining N-P element at the beginning of A and copy back the elements in the temporary array afterwards. Unfortunately, this approach is not space-efficient, since it requires O(P) extra space. Another simple approach is to implement a function that shift all elements of A by one position to the left and call this function N-times. The drawback of this approach is that it is not time efficient, since it requires O(n2) time (O(n) time for each function call).
Mathematical approach
Instead of moving each element by one position, a better approach is to save A[0] in a temporary variable and find a permutation that moves A[P] in A[0], A[2P] in A[P] and so on, considering all indices modulo N. When an element should be moved from A[0], the process stops and the element is moved from the temporary variable. If this permutation doesn’t move all the elements, the process is repeated starting moving A[P+1] in A[1] and so on until all elements are moved. The key to implement this approach is to understand that the number of permutations necessary to rotate the array corresponds to the Greatest Common Divisor of N and P. Indeed each permutation moves elements incrementing by P and stops when it gets back to the starting point. So the number of spans for each permutation is a specific multiple of N that corresponds to the Least Common Multiple of N and P and the number of movements in each permutation is LCM(N, P) / P. Therefore the total number of permutations is N / (LCM(N,P) / P), which is equal to GCD(N,P). The following C++ code is an implementation of this approach:
int gcd (int a, int b) {
while (b) {
int tmp = b;
b = a % b;
a = tmp;
return a;
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> rotate (std::vector<T> a, unsigned int p) {
const unsigned int n = a.size();
if (p >= n) p = p % n;
int loops = gcd(n, p);
for (size_t i = 0; i < loops; ++i) {
size_t k = i; //destination index
size_t j = (i + p) % n; //source index
T tmp = a[k];
while (j != i) {
a[k] = a[j];
k = (k + p) % n;
j = (j + p) % n;
a[k] = tmp;
return a;
The time complexity is O(n), since each element is moved exactly once. The space complexity is instead O(1) because the rotaton is performed in place.
Divide et impera approach
Another different way to solve the problem is to use the divide et impera paradigma. The key of this approach is to note that the array A is composed by two segments S1 and S2, where S1 includes the first P elements of A. If S1 and S2 have the same size, the problem can be simply solved swapping the two segments. If the size of S2 is greater than the one of S1, it is possible to split S2 into two segments S2' and S2'' where S2'' has size equal to S1. Swapping S1 and S2'' generates a new array A' = [ *S2'', S2', S1 ] that has S1 in its proper place after rotation. The problem is now reduced to swap S2'' ans S2'. Since this problem has the same form of the original one, it can be recursively solved according to the divide et impera paradigma. The following C++ code is an implementation of this approach:
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> rotate (std::vector<T> a, int l, int m, int r) {
int sizeS1 = m-l+1, sizeS2 = r-m;
// Base case
if (sizeS1 == sizeS2) {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeS1; ++i) {
return a;
if (sizeS1 < sizeS2) {
// Swap S1 with the upper part of S2
for (int i = 0; i < sizeS1; ++i) {
return rotate (a, l, l+sizeS1-1, r);
else {
// Swap S2 with the lower part of S1
for (int i = 0; i < sizeS2; ++i) {
//m is the last position in S1, so has prefix increment
return rotate(a, l, r-sizeS2, r);
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> rotate (std::vector<T> a, unsigned int p) {
return rotate(a, 0, p-1, a.size()-1);